Affiliate Program

Tariyaa Travel affiliate program

Join our affiliate community and earn money by sharing your affiliate links or codes to your followers, blog readers, groups, friends and family. This affiliate program is easy and straightforward. First of all, you’ll have to apply, get approved and receive your affiliate link. Then you’ll start promoting using your affiliate link, and drive quality traffic to our website.

20% from our Commission

When a visitor follows a link, banner, or uses your affiliate code to book on our website, we track the booking using your affiliate ID and pay you 20% from our commission on all successful bookings. Tariyaa Travel

Various payout options

We pay out using various payment channels like; Paypal, bank transfer, local transfer, and crypto.

Fast and easy registration

It takes a few minutes to register, an admin will review your entry as fast as possible a then approve your request Tariyaa Travel

30 days Cookies

You get paid if a user completes a booking within 30 days after clicking your affiliate link.
Become an Affiliate

To get started, complete the registration with all required information
using the below button. An admin will review your application and approve if it
meets all requirements.