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Tips for easy air travel
Tips for easy air travel

There is no denying that it is becoming harder to fly without any difficulties or problems with airports or airlines. Queues at checkpoints at some airports are enough to make the mood of some passengers worse. However, it is a necessity for all the inconveniences associated with flying. There are a number of things you can do to make flying easier and less stressful, and it's all a little common sense and planning.

1. Go to the airport early

Not arriving at the airport early is pointless, especially if the airline tells passengers to arrive at least two hours before the flight departure time. However, many people refuse to comply with this request and arrive at the airport just minutes before their scheduled departure. If there is a queue at the check-in counter or at security, it can be a very stressful situation. Not only can flights be missed, but new flights must be booked and passengers may have to prepare for the next flight until the last minute without a seat guarantee.

2. Take an early morning flight

Starting an early flight doesn't necessarily mean choosing a 4am flight. However, flights departing early in the morning are less likely to be delayed and are less likely to be affected by weather issues across the country and/or other planes being delayed at other airports. If for any reason the first flight of the day is canceled or delayed, it is likely that several other flights will be offered that day which can be used instead if needed.

3. Try not to fly during peak hours

Airports, like highways, have rush hours. Peak times are usually from 8:30 to 10:00 and 4:30 pm. until 6:30pm These are the hours when the airport is busiest with people waiting for flights. Crowd means longer queues at checkpoints, more people on toilets, more people queuing at restaurants, and more people in waiting rooms. Flying during rush hour can make queuing and sitting in a crowd easier.

4. Try to travel non-stop

With non-stop flights there is of course a lower risk of delay. Takeoff and landing take time, so it is advisable not to do this twice. There will always be destinations that don't have non-stop flights, but there are many cities where direct flights are just as common as those with stopovers. It can even cost you a few extra dollars to book a non-stop flight to avoid unnecessary hassle and possible delays.

5. Book connection with enough time

If there are no direct flights to your desired destination, please allow sufficient time between flights. When airlines book flights, they often require a 30 or 45 minute stay between connections. However, this is often not enough time when the first flight is delayed. To avoid this stress, try to plan a connecting flight with at least an hour free between the arrival of the first flight and the departure of the connecting flight.

Tariyaa travel is always available for easy booking of flight, hotel, space and car renting in The Gambia. Visit Tariyaatravel to learn more.